Potential Gross Return: 5.61%

Address: 5 McArthur Place, Latham ACT 2615

Block-Size: 868 sqm

Block: 6

Section: 108

Type: House

House/Building Size: TBC

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 1

Garaging/Car Spots: 1


Unimproved Value (2022): $423,000 (2022)

UV Price Ratio: 54.58%

Sales Method: Private Treaty

Recommend Purchase Price: $775,000

Rates Residential 2022: $2,502*

Land Tax Residential 2022: $3,631*

Property Link: https://zango.com.au/sale/5-mcarthur-place-latham-act-2615-80866/

Marketing Agent: Sandra Masters and Hannah Green

Date Added: 14/06/2023

Block Details:

Block Size: 868 sqm

Block Type: Large Block


Frontage Approx:

Precinct Code: 5 McArthur Place, Latham ACT 2615 Precinct Code Download

Heritage: N/A

Planning Assessment Report: PAR - 5 McArthur Place, Latham ACT 2615

Suburb information:

Median house price (2022): $760,000.00

Median house rent (2022): $560

Suburb highest price (2022): $1,235,000

Rental vacancy rate (2022): 0.27%

Medium household income (Census 2021): $2,125

Income to rent ratio: 26%

Download Suburb Profile: Profile - June 2023

Property Purchase Recommendation Summary:

Recommend Purchase Price: $775,000

Estimated Stamp Duty: $26,675

Approx Legal And Building Report Costs: $3,000

Total Purchase Investment: $801,675

Recommended Secondary Residence:

Recommended Secondary Residence: https://www.canberragrannyflatbuilders.com.au/design-pages/design-124

Approx Turnkey Build Cost inc GST: $216,259

Downloadable Brochure: Design Brochure - 124

Download Proposal: PAP- 5 McArthur Place, Latham ACT 2615

Potential Rental Income:

Rental Income Stratgety:

Potential Gross Weekly Rental Income of Existing Property: $600

Potential Gross Weekly Rental Income of Recommended Design: $500

Potential Combined Gross Weekly Income: $1,100

Potential Combined Gross Annual Income: $57,200

Financial Summary:

Total Purchase and Build Investment: $1,017,930.00

Potential Combined Gross Rental Annual Income: $57,200

Potential Gross % Return: 6.00%

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